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Founded in 1993, Anesthesia Advantage, P.C. is the leader of the growing trend in outpatient/ambulatory anesthesia.

We specialize in providing ambulatory anesthesiology services to physicians who perform procedures extensively in their own facility in preference to the hospital setting.

According to JCAHO, more than  35 million surgical procedures were performed last year alone in surgical centers and outpatient facilities of Hospitals and ambulatory surgical centers. .

Here to support the growing demand for out-patient surgery, Anesthesia Advantage is dedicated to the delivery of comprehensive anesthesia services in the comfort and privacy of the doctor’s private center or surgical facility.

As a member of the Society for Ambulatory Anesthesia (SAMBA), the most important service we can provide is the dedication to patient safety and the vigilance developed over years of anesthesia training and experience.



12 Newburyport Rd, Upper Holland, PA 19053

Phone: (215) 860-4110 - Fax: (215) 860-2093 - contact@anesthesiaadvantage.com

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