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I. Elective Procedures

Procedures that are not covered by insurance are considered to be elective surgery. It is the patient’s financial responsibility to pay all fees associated for anesthesia care. Pre and post-operative care are included in the cost.

II. Insurance Procedures

We accept all major insurance plans and will bill and collect payment from Anesthesia Services directly from the patient's insurance provider. We will credit all providers for participation with designated healthcare insurance plans as per your participating contracts. Any other payment plans are highly flexible and are determined in conjunction with your needs.

For non-covered insurance cases, the patient is accountable for payment for anesthesia services. Payment is collected from the patient on the date of service.

12 Newburyport Rd, Upper Holland, PA 19053

Phone: (215) 860-4110 - Fax: (215) 860-2093 - contact@anesthesiaadvantage.com

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